Monday, June 09, 2008

safe and sound

It was another smooth trip to Russia. We feel so blessed to have had on-time flights and no lost luggage! Given how much luggage we had, that is pretty amazing.

We took the train to our region this time (instead of getting a car ride) to save a little money. It was fantastic - we got the slightly more expensive train tickets that allowed the two of us to have a whole compartment to ourselves, complete with a wide padded bench on each side that doubled as a bed. We both took long naps! It was so good to stretch out after the plane flight.

We had a bit of an adventure with our hotel room, however. The one that had been reserved for us was pretty fancy. It is a different hotel this time, but it was only slightly less expensive than the last one, which was a disappointment. However, Rob decided to see if there was any way to switch to a cheaper room, and it turned out that they had one available for $40 less per night. Nice! So we moved to this room, which is cozy but just fine.

There is internet in the hotel, but only in the lobby, so I am typing this from the room and then will post when Rob is back. He went to try to find some drinks for us at a grocery or convenience store and maybe some food (we brought some as well, trying to avoid eating out constantly). Meanwhile, while he's been gone, it started storming outside and I'm imagining he's going to reappear like a drowned rat! And we have his raincoat here too...he just didn't have it with him (it didn't look threatening before).

Our facilitator said she will call us in the morning (that's Tuesday morning) and we MAY get to visit Meredith! This would be a bonus, since we thought we would probably need to wait until Wednesday, our court date, to visit her again. I'll be honest - I'm a little nervous. It is complicated how much we seem to think we "know" Meredith after such a short time, and I'm sure she won't remember us. So let's just hope she still likes us!

We'll plan to post again after our court appointment. All the advice we have gotten about this region is that the court usually goes smoothly and quickly, so we are trying not to worry about that. We'll tell you more about it after we've done it!


Anonymous said...

Yay!! Glad all went well. Tnhe train ride sounds fabulous! Sure hope you get to see Meredith tomorrow! That would be great. When you're feeling nervous, remember we met Ben abour 1/2 hour before he was in the car with us, heading home! It's going to be wonderful! Looking forward to your next entry!

Love, Mom & Dad K.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that you made it there without problems and everything seems to be going pretty smoothly so far! I sure hope you can visit with Meredith tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Amazing that you're back already. Hope it all feels a little familiar now. I'm sure Meredith will be thrilled to see you. I'll share your news with the Chosen Families group tomorrow -- we'll all be thinking of you and Rob and Meredith. And hoping that things continue smoothly.

Tom and Cheri' said...

How exciting to be back in Russia already to pick up your little daughter. God is so good!!! Thanks for hand delivering our paperwork. We pray everything goes smoothly and that you get to see Meridith tomorrow. Can't wait to be going in a couple weeks! CHERI