Tuesday, April 22, 2008

moving along

We are feeling optimistic these days that something is going to work out for us. There may be more waiting involved, but we are gradually getting used to the idea.

There is a small chance that one last-ditch effort in Russia could work out. It is in a different region (one that allows adoption of children with minor/no health issues) and our paperwork has been moved there. We should know in about a week whether our case might move forward there.

The more likely scenario is that we will switch gears and seek a domestic adoption. We have been investigating many different options, and have found one very positive thing: we can get on waiting lists at several different attorney's offices and agencies at the same time. We have selected a few attorney's offices in Florida (all specializing in adoptions) and have also narrowed down to a couple of agencies (which have higher up-front fees, so we will probably just pick one). Getting on these waiting lists is very simple compared to the Russian paperwork, so we will be able to be set up within a matter of a couple of weeks.

How long of a wait will we be talking about? Well, in domestic adoption there is not really a "line" that we stand in. Instead, when a prospective birthmother meets with an adoption attorney/agency, she tells them what she prioritizes in an adoptive family and the attorney/agency gives her information about several families that might interest her. Then she can choose who she would like. Our hope is that we will be an appealing family so that we don't have to wait much more than a year or so. It can happen faster, but typical estimates are 12-18 months. We would probably be matched to the birthmother during her pregnancy and then bring home the baby from the hospital once she has signed her relinquishment (if she decides for sure to do it). Florida law is strong on making sure no adoptive family takes home a baby until it is certain that they will be allowed to keep him/her, so we have some comfort in that.

We'd appreciate your prayers on a few fronts:

* We need sound sleep. Both of us have had some trouble in the last couple of weeks as we've had to think about so many things as well as the regular daily commitments of life.

* We need a final answer on Russia within a week, and we need the strength to fully cut ties if this last effort does not succeed.

* We need wisdom in choosing a domestic adoption agency. We have met with one that we really like, but we're concerned because they are very new. There is a more established one that we could use, but we don't have a really great feeling about them.

* I need energy for these last 2 weeks of teaching/writing exams/grading exams/grading projects. Making decisions about the adoption takes a lot of energy and time, and I want to be sure to serve my students well. Similarly with research - I need to be keeping up better with coauthors on some projects that aren't moving forward at the pace I'd like.

Thanks so much for your encouragement and prayers! We will let you know when we take our next steps.


Unknown said...

We will keep you both in our prayers.

Canadi-Ann said...

I hope you will have time when your marking is done to rest a bit. It sounds like you're tackling a ton of stuff on many levels. I heard about your project with Matt, very cool! :)

Deb said...

I'll be praying for you both as you make this decision.

Most important thing for me choosing now would be that they offer counseling to the birthmom as long as she needs it before and after. And from my personal experience my heart still aches to not be bringing home a toddler some days, but we did what was right for our family and ultimatly what God told us to do.

Deb said...
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Mom K. said...

Hi Sairy and Rob!

I could nothelp bu thik of you guys during th sermon this morning! It was about dealing with life's pressures and the constancy of God. I know that He s constant in your lives!

The end of the message was:
1) Accept God's Love
2) Believe in God's Word
3) Commit to God's Purpose in your Life

I can hardly wait to see whereall of this adoption stuff takes you - but God already knows and has it planned to the minute! What a great comfort!

Have a good week - talk to you soon

Love, Mom K.

Mom K. said...

Hi again, guys - Sorry for all the typos!!!! Mom K.