Friday, March 28, 2008

short update

Well, no referral yet.

However, the plot has thickened and the news is not good. At least one family that has now traveled to our region, with our agency, has found that the government there will not refer any healthy children to foreigners - so they had the heartbreaking experience of declining two separate referrals who were very severely sick. They were not told about the illness of the first child until they arrived. They are home now - please keep them in your prayers as they mourn this experience and decide what to do next.

As for us - we need to talk to our agency, but obviously it's not looking good. Please pray as we likely make a decision about our next step. We would like to see where God might be opening a door for us.

It's a good thing our optimism is always cautious - it seems we continue to be tested right now.


Suz said...

Oh Sarah, I'm praying for you to know the right direction for the next step.

Unknown said...

We are so sorry you guys continue to have problems. We will keep you in our prayers.