Monday, August 07, 2006

Slogging right along

I keep waiting for something newsworthy to post, but there isn't a whole lot to say. There is one piece of GOOD news, and that is that one agency has obtained NGO status and the others supposedly learned how to do so at the July 26 meeting. Our agency is guessing early September for the NGO status.

So why am I not more enthusiastic? At this point, it appears that the reaccreditation that was supposed to follow soon after the NGO registration may not be as soon as we had hoped. Let me be clear that we just don't know: it might be, or it might not be. Why? It appears that because of the new NGO law, Russia has realized that they need to make adjustments to their current accreditation law. (For those interested in the politics, the NGO registration is administered by the Ministry of Justice and the agency accreditation is administered by the Ministry of Education). We had initially thought that these two things would be independent. However, it is possible that Russia will delay reaccreditations until they have got the new law passed and a new procedure in place. Or they might NOT delay those who are waiting. We don't know. The silver lining is that the new law is supposed to make the accreditations have a longer term - instead of one year at a time - and to make the process smoother in the future. (Forgive me if I'm not jumping up and down yet).

Our pastor made an analogy in church yesterday that helped me realize that I needed to handle this situation differently. He told us that he has a person from Microsoft coming to look at his computer. He is hoping to get some things fixed by this person, but is insistent that some things must not be touched: namely, his access to iTunes and his Google. These are off limits to the Microsoft guy; he is a consultant only. Jesus, however, is not a consultant. We don't get to hang onto things (my personal favorite being control or the illusion of control). We need to trust him with all of it. Now if you asked me if I trust Jesus with this adoption, I would say "yes". But if you looked at my life of researching these issues, worrying, and obsessing, you would see that it couldn't really be true.

So I am recommitting myself to trust him with this, with his help. Your prayers are appreciated.


All About the B's said...

good point Sarah, we often forget that we don't have to come up with all the answers and all the strength to deal with every situation. Adoption is a huge avenue to recognizing this for ourselves. Sorry that you got the slow end of the stick, but hang in there, when you get your email or phone call it will seem like it wasn't all that long to wait. At least that is how I feel now that we have our court date, but if you would have asked me in May when we got home and I threw the biggest fit over having to wait...I wouldn't have believed it could feel this way. Now I am scrambling to get enough done so we can be gone.

DeanaMarie said...

Your blog is very encouraging even with the waiting involved, you are so optimistic! I love this about your blog! I have made myself stay away from some of the message boards because I get so down trodden. Your blog reminds me that God is in control, and His timing is perfect!

Tammy said...

We'll definitely keep you in our prayers. You made a very good point - I too need to refocus on believing our adoption will happen as it's intended to.

We thought we hit a major snag when our first agency closed and we had to start over, but we ended up being directed to a better agency and hopefully we'll have good news soon.