Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Actual progress!

You may remember from my last post that we were not clear on whether agencies were able to submit their documents to Russia yet, or if Russia wasn't accepting applications. I talked to our agency and learned that when they told me our agency's documents had been "submitted" they were relying on a faulty translation from their Russian office -- what actually occurred was that they had brought their documents to the Russian Ministry of Education, where they are eventually going to be submitted, and got information/corrections for putting together their packets.

But this doesn't sound like good news - it just confirmed that Russia was not yet accepting documents. I went for a couple of days trying to come to terms with the expectation that Russia would probably not accept applications until after their holiday break. After all, they are obligated to decide on the applications within 3 months of submission, and since they'll be on vacation for almost a month they might not want to start accepting submissions until they return to work in late January.

Praise God, I was wrong!! The Russian government issued a letter yesterday that finalized the documentation requirements for agencies applying for reaccreditation (include # of photocopies, etc.) and declaring that they would officially start receiving applications on December 20. THAT'S TODAY! I talked with our agency director and he expects our representatives in Russia to submit right away, since they had already made revisions and corrections based on their discussions with the Russian government. Though I don't know if they submitted today, it should be soon. At that point, the 3 month countdown begins!

Yes, 3 months is a long time...but if we're able to travel soon after reaccreditation (say, within a month or so) we may still get our first trip in the late spring. And it's possible they will issue the reaccreditations within less than 3 months. But I suppose I shouldn't start having wild dreams here :)

This is something to be thankful for - a reminder that while things are slow, they are not completely stalled.

We'll be up north for Christmas and New Year's, so I probably won't be blogging (unless there is news). Until then, Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas time is here

I just realized it has been a full month since I posted. As usual, you all know what that means....pretty much, nothing is happening with the adoption. Our agency has told us that their accreditation paperwork has been submitted. Meanwhile, some other prospective adopters on the adoption message boards have been told by their agencies that the Russian government isn't actually accepting the applications yet. Everyone seems confused these days.

At least we will not have to wonder what's happening during late December through mid-January, since the entire Russian government will be on vacation for the holidays. Ugh.

It is still possible that we will be traveling when we had hoped -- in March for the first trip -- but that possibility becomes more distant if our agency remains unaccredited through the holidays. I suppose we just need to be patient.

How am I doing? I'm in a strange array of moods in any given week. If I think too much about this child of ours in a crib in Russia, it is unbelievably depressing to think that we can do nothing to help care for him or her. We have the time, money, and willingness to do something, and yet we can't. Can you imagine how different his or her Christmas would be if he or she were home with us?

But this is too much to take. So usually, for better or worse, I try not to dwell on this and try to separate myself from the situation. There is nothing we can do. When people ask about how things are going, I sometimes explain the whole situation, but more often I have heard myself be a bit short with people: "We just don't know. We hope for Spring, but we really have no idea." I cannot get my heart set on a certain plan, because we just don't have control. So I think, to some people, I appear less excited about the adoption than I should be. I'm not bubbling over with the joy of this plan right now. I am just getting through this hard part.

This weird range of emotions has me in a strange place with little kids and babies too. Sometimes I love to be around them and to think about our future little one - today was one of those days. The little kids sang in church and I thought about how ours would be joining them in the next year or two. How cute! And I saw a dad with his little guy hanging on his back - maybe 3 years old - at the airport this weekend, and it gave me a warm glow when I thought of Rob and our kid. (No, economists, I'm not using the technical "warm glow" terminology here). But other times I'd rather not be reminded of what's missing right now!

Now, I said earlier that there is nothing we can do. That's not quite right, I guess. We can continue offering this situation to God, calling on him to take action on behalf of our child and us. I am running out of steam on this, so I would appreciate help from those of you who are willing to be part of this effort. It has been so encouraging to get comments from some of you who have been lurking (especially the old Madison crowd! Wow! ). I'll try to email you guys individually sometime soon - I greatly appreciate your patience until then :)

I'll post again whenever there is news...but assuming nothing big will happen before Christmas, let me wish you all the joy and peace of Christ this season. We will be with family, first in MN and then in Canada, and we look forward to celebrating with them.

Merry Christmas!