Monday, April 10, 2006

I think it's going to be fine...

I talked with Valerie again - this time on the phone (for the first time! we've also just done email). It seems that I misunderstood one aspect of the checklist, so I need to send some additional stuff, but FORTUNATELY I already have it ready to go. (I would explain the misunderstanding, but you'd all agree that my interpretation was very reasonable!). I just need to go make a bunch more copies and send another Express mail out tomorrow. She'll get the package on Wednesday and should be able to start processing it.

I learned something about apostilles today. Even when you have two identical documents apostilled (such as two copies of Rob's green card), each apostille has its own identification number. This means you should not do what we did: for our records, we just photocopied one of each document, not realizing that we should have copies of both because they have different IDs. This, along with the misunderstanding, is the reason we need to make more copies and send some more stuff. Oh well. We're almost there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Grief! WHAT D0 DISORGANIZED PEOPLE DO???? Glad it looks like it'll be fine - no extra trips to Jacksonville or anything!
The letter you sent was great!

Good luck now on finishing this paperwork. Maybe this time around it'll be a GO!!
Love, Mom